Cloud Gate

Cloud Gate

201 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60602, USA

Cloud Gate, also known as “The Bean,” is a monumental public sculpture located in Chicago’s Millennium Park. The sculpture was created by Indian-born British artist Anish Kapoor and is one of Chicago’s most popular attractions (Choose Chicago).

Cloud Gate is a 12-foot-high arch that provides a “gate” to the concave chamber beneath the sculpture. Its mirror-like surface invites visitors to touch it and see their image reflected, offering a unique interactive experience (Chicago Government).

The sculpture is colloquially known as “The Bean” due to its bean-like shape. It has become a symbol of the city and a favorite spot for tourists for its unique reflective properties (Wikipedia).

So, if you ever find yourself in Chicago, make sure to visit Cloud Gate and hear it talk!. It’s a unique and iconic piece of the city’s public art that offers a fun and interactive experience.

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