

Drottninggatan 65, 111 36 Stockholm, Sweden

The Orfeusgruppen (Orpheus Group) is a well-known sculpture located in the Swedish city of Stockholm. This sculpture group is situated in the park known as Tegnérlunden and was created by the Swedish sculptor Carl Milles. It was unveiled in 1936 and is considered one of Milles’ most important works.

The sculpture depicts the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus, the legendary musician, poet, and prophet who had the ability to charm all living things with his music. In the myth, after the death of his wife Eurydice, Orpheus descends to the underworld and attempts to bring her back to the living world with the power of his music.

Milles’ Orpheus Group features a central figure of Orpheus playing the lyre, with surrounding figures representing humans, animals, and mythical beings that are enchanted by his music. The figures are dynamic and express a sense of motion, as if drawn irresistibly towards the music.

The sculpture is a testament to Milles’ skill as a sculptor and his ability to capture movement and emotion in bronze. The Orpheus Group is not only an important piece of public art but also a beloved landmark in Stockholm, reflecting the enduring appeal of classical mythology and the universal language of music and art.

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